Monthly Archives: October 2008

Scary Movie


I like scary movies, although I am very easily spooked.  I am the type of person, who after watching a scary movie, will jump at my own shadow.  It really doesn’t take a lot to chill me as long as it’s not too cheesy (Saw).  If so, I will examine and highlight its corniness to death.

I am afraid of Jason, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, and the thing on the Jeepers Creepers movie.  These are monsters that creep me out!

The Shining really leaves me shaking–it is too real!  I can see this movie being more than fiction as truth is stranger than fiction!  Jack Nicholson is a true thespian.  He is Johnny!!!  This is the number one scary movie in my opinion.

Speaking of Nics’, once when Nicholas was about five-years-old my aunt kept him for a few hours.  Upon arriving to pick him I was dismayed to see that he and his cousins were sprawled around the tv watching Darkness Falls.  I was sure that he would have nightmares as a result of this.  I had saw the movie a couple of weeks prior and of course, was scared to the bone!  How could my five-year-old not be?  However, Nicholas was not at all frightened.  Instead he analyzed the entire movie so much that it sounded more like a comedy film instead of horror once he had finished dissecting it.

Some other scary movies that gave me nightmares include:

Haute Tension-This had me sweating!

Helter Skelter-I know this is not truly considered a scary movie, but to me it was the ultimate horror film.

Poltergist-“Come into the Light, Carol Ann!”

Stay Alive-Small wonder I am not a big fan video games.

The Devil’s Rejects-This movie was so disturbingly scary!

Texas Chainsaw Massacre-Left me feeling so yucky, mutilated, and violated! 

28 Days Later-Just the barren, eerie cinematography alone was enough for moi!

The Exocerist-Twisting heads, scary faces, bile, and curse words–need I say more?

The Ring-It was enough to keep me away from the tv for weeks.

The Devil’s Advocate-Al Pacino really had me convinced that he was Old Scratch he was so “devilishly handsome!”

Suspiria-One of my students who was into old 70’s horror flicks thought I might like it due to it being set in a ballet school.  I would not want to be trained at that studio!

Wrong Turn-Those things were soooo ugly–and crazy!

When a Stranger Calls-I was thankful that we did not have an upstairs after watching this one!

I’m sure that there are many more that I could add to the list.  But these are the first that popped in my head.  Tell me, what scary movie gets your heart racing? Take this here quiz to see if you could survive a scary movie!  No surprises here because I was labeled a “scaredy cat” and died in the first thirty minutes of the movie!

The Order


Yesterday we received a notice from the court.  It has been ordered that due to his present mental status it is in the best interest of Evan to have no visitation with Eliza at this time.  It did not specify if or when her rights would be restored.  Nor did it acknowledge any of the other “concerns” that she had.

A part of me feels that she got what she asked for.  She was not at all truthful in her letter and had no reason to write it in the first place.  I felt like she wanted us to be punished for not giving into her every whim and desire.  I tried to warn her that this could happen.  However, she told me that “no judge would take my rights away.” 

There is a side of me also that feels sorry for her.  I know she will not take this news in stride.  I know it will be hard for her.  I’m sure she will blame us somehow, some way.

But she needs to understand the severity of Evan’s mental state.  I don’t know if this will help her realize it, however, this ruling takes a lot of pressure off of us.  She is currently in solitary confinement and I believe that this will give her time to think without the opinions of the other women influencing her.

Regardless of her reaction, I am just glad to have this matter finally resolved.

Growing Pains


I’ve been thinking about the progress I have made growing in my role of stepmom.  It has been a painful, tedious yet extraordinary time.  I look forward to stretching myself to grow more as a stepmom and as an individual in general. 

  • Solution Seeker:  I love this healthy approach!  Don’t get me wrong, I regress from time to time, but usually after I finish venting, I still like to end on a positive note.  I know that our road will never be smooth and I anticipate the bumps.  I try to formulate a plan to overcome them or live with them.
  • Stepmom of Evan and Ethan:  It took me some time to realize this simple truth.  In the beginning, I worked harder at forming a relationship with her than I did with the boys.  Admittedly, I thought I could win their heart by winning her over first.   I really felt this way with Ethan because Evan already doted on me.  While it would be nice for us to have a working relationship; I know that it is more important that I focus my energy on giving the boys the best that I have. 
  • Serenity:  I’ve pretty much accepted that Eliza is who she is and I have to let her be.  I can’t change her.  However, I can change my reactions to things.  I am finally okay with the fact that we may never get beyond our current surface level.  But I feel truimphant for trying.
  • The Gift of Space:  Since I have bequethed Eliza with space, I feel much more peaceful.  I don’t  feel as “responsible” for her as I used to.  I realized that I was probably overwhelming her by being too much of a presence in her life.  I thought I was providing her with encouragment and support in her time of need.   But I think I was actually smothering her!  I know it sounds strange, but I had to sit back and think about it, too.  I am a constant reminder of our past and that she is presently not able to be with her children.  Now mind you, I did not say I am the reason, but I know she can’t help seeing me this way.  Out of compassion and exhaustion, I have taken a back seat.  I have forfeited riding shotgun.
  • Detachment:  I now use this practice when corresponding with her.  I can’t control her emotions but I don’t have to play into them either.  Also, when I can remove myself from the equation I do just that.  I had to learn this the hard way.  Case in point:  When Eliza was asking for information about Evan, I should have immediatedly gotten something in writing from his therapist.  I called myself shielding her from the truth, as I knew she would have trouble accepting it.  The last case summary I had provided her with only served to upset her.  She questioned the credentials of the therapist and thought we were “feeding” him things.  Despite this I still attempted to keep her informed though it only created a lot of stress for me.  I never dreamed that she would accuse me of lying.  In hindsight I realized I should have let her hear the information straight from the source regardless of how it made her feel.  I know now that I can’t worry about how she processes events.  The less I am “involved,” the better things are for me and her (I believe).
  • Empowerment:  There used to be a point in time in which seeing Eliza made my stomach turn.  She caused that much anxiety in me.  Not any more.  There is no reason.  In person, she is not at all intimidating.  Even when she takes us through unneccessary change it just doesn’t bother me the way that it used to.  This is one small way that I know I’ve grown!  I don’t try to psychoanalyze her to death anymore either.
  • Keeping the Circle Unbroken:  If I were an “evil” stepmom, I could easily attepmt to sever the ties between her and the boys.  However, I wouldn’t dream of doing so.  I like to help them stay connected with her.  In fact, my son and I are reading a book together.  I told Ethan he could either join us, and/or  select a book for him and his mom to read and I would send it to her. 
  • Communication:  In the last year or so I’ve been more conscious as ever of how I have probably contributed to the breakdown in communication.  I’ve lived and I’ve learned.  I want to keep the communication going for all practical purposes.  Therefore I concentrate on using invitational practices in our dialogue.  I talk to her respectfully, I understand that she the right to disagree with my husband and me,  I avoid holding grudges, and I genuinely care about her boys and I let it show. 

Have you measured yourself lately?

The Second Shift


For the last couple of months, my husband has been working the second shift.  By the time he gets home, which is well past 9pm, I am usually in the bed.  He has made the change so that he can put Evan on the bus in the morning when he comes home.  This too, gives him a window of time to pick Evan up if he is having trouble at school.  If he makes it past 11am, Evan is usually okay for the day. 

Therefore it’s just the kids and I.  I get to monitor/help with homework, pick up Nicholas from football practice and Jazmine from the sitter’s, tidy the house, cook dinner, entertain, and everything else in between.  Not to mention all the prep work that I do for school.  I feel like I work a second shift, too (I actually read a book in my college sociology class about this very phenomenon called The Second Shift)!

I do miss my husband.  I am not used to him being gone in the evenings.  The only time that we basically get to spend together is on the weekends.  But then the weekends consist of the many chores that we don’t have time to do during the work week.  The weekends fly by so fast and it’s soon time to get ready for the daily grind…again.

I have two days for Fall Break, today is one of them.  This morning I took Nicholas to school and attended his 7am parent/teacher conference.  When I got home, I slept for an hour before dropping Jazmine off at the sitter’s and my husband at work.  His car is running funny and we don’t want to aggravate the problem.  Then I spent an hour or so working on my friend’s computer before  going to my hair appointment. 

Afterwards I waited for Jazmine to be dropped off (they were at McDonald’s when I went to pick her up) so that we could go to her doctor’s appointment.  Next I had to swing by the sitter’s (again) to get Jazmine’s belongings.

In twenty minutes football practice will be over so I’ll grab Nicholas.  Thankfully, a coworker agreed to bring my husband home tonight.

Tomorrow I plan to take Jazmine to visit her mom.  I also have to get the grocery shopping done.  And I would like to rake a few bags of leaves before they totally engulf us.  I might end the day by watching Bend It Like Beckham and taking notes.  My kids will be studying this film for its cultural aspects and I would like to see it before I show it.

I am the original do-it-yourselfer.  If something needs to be done, by golly, I’m your girl.  I really have trouble allocating tasks as you can see.  If I can do it, I don’t see any reason to ask anyone else.

Maybe I will get to relax one of these days, eh?  However, I think I might take a personal day or two here in the near future!

Channeling Hannah


I’ve been thinking about writing this post for a long time and here goes it.  Today I would like to spend some time examining the growing phenomenon of the so-called “bitter” stepmom.  I’ve been seeing this term on many blogs lately.

My general opinion is that we all have the right to blog about our feelings and perspectives.  I don’t recall WordPress excluding certain emotions.  Furthermore, I find it odd and hypocritical when other stepmom bloggers write about “bitter” stepmoms who judge the exwife in their life.  They state that it is not right/healthy for them to do so.  But isn’t that a form of judging in itself? 

I am thankful that God gave us such a wide range of emotions.  It is okay to be bitter just as it is okay to be joyful, fearful or envious.  Personally speaking, I am bitter about my stepmom situation from time to time.  And to quote Kela, so what?  Does that make me a “bad” stepmom?  I embrace all of my feelings–the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I learn from them all.

If all stepmom blogs were alike–would we grow or glean any wisdom from reading them?  It takes all kind. Bitter or not, we are all stepmoms.  Some “bitter” stepmoms might be annoyed by the “Pollymamas.”  Everything isn’t always good and that’s keeping it real.

 On this long, strange trip with Eliza, I have grown from blogging.  I am able to learn from many of the blogs that  I follow.   I reflect on the comments.  Blogging helps me see things from more than one angle.   Even if it is a “bitter” blog, I try to take something away from it or I simply stop reading it.  I don’t feel that I have the right to dictate feelings or thoughts. 

Also, it is easy to label other stepmoms as bitter when you have a good/civil/friendly relationship with the exwife.  Trust me, I know.  If you read through my earlier posts I was much more forgiving/tolerant/peaceful about Eliza.  Now that the tide has turned, I have to work extra hard not to be bitter/cynical/petty/judgemental/whiny/mean/spiteful–pick one.  This is my challenge and I love it!

I am able to celebrate the stepmoms who have a working/great relationship with the exwife just as I am able to commiserate with the stepmoms who don’t have this luxury.

Rhonda and I always joke about how we would handle a negative comment.  But because we feel that everyone is entitled to their opinion, we would post the remark and simply say “thank you for comment,” and leave it at that.  We decided if the commenter refuses to let the issue go; we would kindly delete those comments.

I however, I have chosen not to leave negative/judgemental comments to  put any blogger in their “place.”  My opinion is no more valid than any one else’s.  If I can’t say something supportive or provocative in a considerate way, then I say nothing at all.  I blog primarily for my own self—not to “check”  or chastise others.  I don’t have the time or desire for that.  I like to think we are all in this together.

Besides, we are all in unique predicaments.  I don’t know any of my online friends intimately–other than what I read.  It seems that we judge each other far more harsher than the exwives themselves!

I blog for peace, growth, healing, fun, relaxation, pleasure, and yes, venting.  Remember, if you don’t like the contents of any particular blog, you do not have to read/continue reading it.  It’s just that simple.  Full Moon welcomes stepmoms of all kind–bitter, happy, angry, frustrated, jealous, evil (hehe)–do you catch my drift?  You may come as you are.

This leads me to the title of my post, Channeling Hannah, in reference to Nobody’s Perfect.  That includes me and you, dear reader.  Just know…

My intentions are good
Sometimes just misunderstood
Nobody’s Perfect!
I gotta work it!
Again and again ’til I get it right
Nobody’s Perfect!
You live and you learn it!
And if I mess it up sometimes…
Nobody’s perfect

And this blog is me working it!

Think Pink


This week I learned some disturbinng news about my cousin Cia.  She was diagnosed with breast cancer.  When my aunt called and told me, my heart shivered in terror.  I felt choked with denial, sadness, and horror all at the same time.  Why her?

Cia…my cousin has always been a great role model to me.  She took me under her wing as I was growing up.  When she was in college majoring in Engineering, she made sure to expose me to the campus.  She wanted me to have a taste of college life and made sure that I participated in all the programs her university offered for high school students.

It was her who told me about the birds and the bees.

She also began our family newsletter.  When my mother died Cia was the first to call express her love and concern. 

During the holidays she would often host gatherings.  She would cook mounds of delicious foods, including the best caramel and Hershey cakes that would melt in your mouth.

She was there for my open-house, my house-warming, babyshower, the surprise birthday party that I had for my mother, and other important milestones in my life…

Stepmom is also one of her titles.

I have yet to talk to her because I am too upset right now.  I am trying to be strong but I don’t know how.  Our family has been beaten down by tragic deaths.  I couldn’t possibly handle another one.  I keep thinking about her husband and two girls.

The slogan “Race for the Cure” has a whole new meaning for me now.  My mind is consumed with pink thoughts.  I have already converted my debit card over to one that donates to breast cancer research.  A coworker emailed me this link and I couldn’t believe the timeliness of it.  Anyone with a pair of breasts should visit this site daily.  Here is the email:

Please  tell ten friends to tell ten today! 

The  Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough
people to  click on their site daily to meet their quota of
donating at  least one free mammogram a day to an
underprivileged  woman. 
It  takes less than a minute to go to their site and clickon  ‘donating a mammogram’ — for free (pink window in the  middle).   This  does not cost you a thing. Their
corporate  sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate a  mammogram in exchange for  advertising.

Here’s  the web site!

Another supportive site can be found here.  I made a celebration for my cousin.  Please make one for anyone you know who has suffered from this disease.  A dollar will be donated to research for every one made.

What’s Up With Her?


Today I received a letter from Eliza.  She wrote to inquire about the boys and to inform me that she is currently being held in segregation until the end of November.  She did not say why.  She only said “I’ve had a rough few weeks.”

Eliza asked that I not bring the boys to visit because she does not want them to see her in chains.  Not to mention, the visit would only last one hour.  She wrote that she would look forward to seeing me in December.

I am glad that she informed me, however, I was puzzled as to why she wrote Ethan telling him about being chained up in segregation, too.  Now if she does not want him to physically see her in this manner, why provide a visual?  Of course it would worry him.  I’m sure he would want to know what it means to be segregated, why she is there in the first place, and if is she hurt, just to name a few things that would probably float in his mind.

We chose not to give him that letter. I am left to wonder if she is looking for sympathy from her son?  I mean why tell him this?  I can respect her reasons for declining visits at this point, but this was information that was not appropriate to share with her child.

Is she expecting me to reach out to her again in her time of need?  I’ve tried that and look where it got me.  I’m not sure if she wrote providing just enough to pique my curiousity so that I would write her asking about the incident and offering my support.  Perhaps she was writing to diagnose the damage that she has done to our communication.  Eliza tried to tread carefully by not revealing too much in case I am not empathetic to her plight.

Was she so upset by the letter from Evan’s therapist that she let her emotions (and mouth) get her into trouble?  I mailed the letter off a few weeks ago.  Eliza shouldn’t have been surprised by its contents because I have been making her aware of the severity of Evan’s PTSD stemming from the murder. 

I knew that she would have trouble swallowing what was written.  Eliza has never really believed what I was telling her about him.   So maybe it was too much reality to handle seeing it spelled out  in no uncertain terms by the therapist.

Wanting to avoid any more contempt accusations, I contacted the court clerk and explained the situation.  I offered to mail a copy of the letter to place in our file.  I have no idea if Eliza will recant her wishes.  I don’t want to deal with her blaming us for missing two visits.  Simply put, we can not trust her.

The clerk agreed and wondered if Eliza had already sent them a copy.  I had to stifle my laughter!  Did she send us a copy of the last letter?  I also inquired about the potential court date.  The clerk said with the letter from the therapist that she doubted very highly that the judge would even act on Eliza’s claim at all.  She also mentioned that it appears that I have gone above and beyond the call of duty to keep Eliza abreast of Evan’s progress.  What a relief!

But still, I am left to wonder, once again, what’s up with her?

The Soundtrack of Eliza (A Double CD)


My kids are working on a project in which they have to create a soundtrack for a character from the novel The Poisonwood Bible.  Each song has to adequately describe the character’s personality and actions. 

So I thought to create one for Eliza that details the impact she has had on my life.  She is, afterall, quite a character in her own evolving drama.

1.  Crazy by Aerosmith~She drives me, herself, and others crazy.  I’m not sure if it is done intentionally or not, but she certainly does a good job of it.

2.  Leave Me Alone by Michael Jackson~This song speaks for itself–I wish she would leave me and mine the heck alone!

3.  Scream by Michael and Janet Jackson~She often makes me wanna SCREAM!!!!!

4.  I Will Survive by Gloria Gainor~I am determined to overcome Eliza and all her pettiness.

5.  Shake It Off by Mariah Carey~This song reminds me to relax and to “shake off” the small, numerous jabs   Eliza throws my way simply to offset my equilibrium.

6.  It Ain’t My Fault by Silkk the Shocker~Eliza’s anthem, for nothing is her fault–even when it is all her fault. 

7.  Getting In The Way by Jill Scott~This describes Eliza’s attempts to scare me off and sever the relationship I have with my husband.

8.  U Don’t Have to Call by Usher~I wish she would listen to this song! She does not have to call our home leaving foul, vile, juvenile messages.  This is one of her trademarks–phone terrorism.  I wonder what she would do if we had no voicemail?

9.  Wanna Be Startin’ Something by Michael Jackson~ She is not at peace if she is not sowing seeds of contention in somebody’s life–namely ours.

10.  We Need a Resolution by Aaliyah~I’ve reached this conclusion a long time ago, however, I am waiting impatiently for her.

11.  Ain’t That Peculiar by Marvin Gaye~Some of hers actions leave me with this very same sentiment.

12.  Can I Get a Witness by Marvin Gaye~In the days when she was determined to annilihate us, I decided to document everything.  She was so sly with her lies that I felt we needed the support of documentation and actual witnesses.

13.  Cold-Blooded by Rick James~Yep, that’s her.  Some of her behaviors have literally sent chills up my spine.

14.  Controversy by Prince~Eliza loves all things controversial.  If it is not drawing attention, upsetting others, and doing a lot of unneccessary damage, she wants no part of it. 

15.  Get Low by Lil Jon and the Eastside Boys~I am always amazed at how dirty Eliza likes to play!  I’ve had to find out the hard way how low she is willing to go.

16.  Locked Up by Akon~I’m sorry–I couldn’t resist!

17.  Tears of a Clown by Smokey Robinson~Despite it all, I think Eliza is really hurting but pretends that she is not.  Therefore she projects her pain onto others.  This alone is what prevents me from totally despising her.

18.  Complicated by Robbin Thicke~The whole situation with Eliza is just complicated–and she loves having it this way!  This thing has more layers than a blooming onion!

19.  No More Drama by Mary J. Blige~Please?

20.  Can’t Help It by Jon B.~Sometimes I really believe that Eliza can not help herself from doing the things that she does. I mean what other reason does she have for some of her actions?

21.  New Attitude by Patti Labelle~I would like her to wake up with a whole new way of handling things.  A girl can wish, can’t she?

22.  Bossy by Kelis~She has to be in control at all times.  It is her way or the highway.  She even told my husband once “I pay the cost to be the boss.”  Well, the money she used to pay the cost came from child support, I so wanted to remind her!

23.  What Comes Around…by Justin Timberlake~Doesn’t reality bite?

24. It Ain’t Easy by Tupac~It is difficult dealing with Eliza–especially in person.  Every month I have to plaster on a smile and keep my feelings at bay.  Sometimes I am so uncomfortable being around her because I know that she does not really like me.  Other times I am angry at her immaturity, lack of consideration, lies–just fill in the blank.  However, I think I pull it off well.

25.  Eleanor Rigby by The Beetles~Like Eleanor, she is a lonely woman.

26.  Crash by The Dave Matthews Band~Eliza made an unwelcome entrance into my life much like a big crash.

27.  Forgive Them Father by Lauryn Hill~When it all said and done, I know I have to forgive her for things she has done to me.

28.  We Didn’t Start The Fire by Billy Joel~I feel like a lot of the problems that we have experienced with Eliza have been caused by her.  Because she was feeling insecure, hurt, angry, betrayed, and jealous, she had to make sure that we felt some of her pain.

29.  Dancing In The Dark by Bruce Springsteen~For a brief while I felt like Eliza and I were making progress in my attempt to start anew.  She certainly had me fooled because I didn’t intially realize that she had an agenda much different than mine.  I soon figured that I was getting no where fast and let it go.

30. War by Edwin Starr~I often feel like I am in the midst of a war with Eliza.  It’s not by choice, but rather by force.  I don’t want to fight with her–for what?  As Edwin said, “What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!”

31.  Emotional by Carl Thomas~Eliza is a very emotional person.  She cries a lot and is always worked up about something.  Her temperment is very volatile and unstable.

32.  Somebody’s Watching Me by Rockwell~This song describes her extreme paranoia to a tee.  Her very aura is one of suspicion and anxiety.

33.  Poison by BBD~This ditty describes her tongue.  She uses her mouth to shoot off the most wicked lies.

34.  Paint It Black by The Rolling Stones~What a great way to describe the depression that Eliza brings to my life.  She is very gifted at turning my lightness into darkness.  I try to not let her steal my joy, but I have to admit, sometimes, she wins.

35.  Backstabbers by The O’Jays~Still pulling out that last knife in the form of the poisonous letter that she penned to the court.  I couldn’t believe that she had the audacity to say that she does not know what is going on with her baby!  The court clerk even acknowledged that I have went above and beyond to keep her informed!  Despite her accusations, at every visit she wants to pretend like we are the best of friends!  They smile in your face…

36.  Hang Up Your Hang Ups by Herbie Hancock~She can’t let go of past grievances and traumas and therefore internalizes everything. 

37.  Bag Lady by Erykah Badu~ Emotional baggage is damaging.  Eliza’s load most be a terrible burden to bear.  Erykah was right–we should all “pack light.”

Hubby Saves the Day!


Busy does not fully describe what I have been the last week and a half.

Ian and Imani were invited to a birthday party by one of our employees from the salon.  We were able to drop them off and enjoy part of the afternoon.  Well instead of relaxing, I did some things around the house while Hubby watched football.  (Don’t you ladies just love football season?)

Hubby was away from home a few nights.  He went to visit a friend in the hospital.

Ian and Imani’s school had Family Game Night at their school.  Hubby and I both had to work late so our neighbor took them.  When I left the salon I went to enjoy the last half hour with them.  Ian won a game of bingo.  Imani was super excited and was running all over the place.  I was so tired but put on a happy face for them.

Kierra went to homecoming at her school last week.  We were really emotional about it considering this was her first high school dance.  I styled her hair and took her to get her nails done.  Then we went to look for a purse to match her dress.  We didn’t find one so she just carried a wristlet.  Hubby took pictures and she looked so pretty! 

I had two meetings after work and one training.  We were given a list of things to do in preparation for a walk through with the big boss.  During the meeting we found out that our building is set to close next May.  On top of that, the big boss informed us that we are not guaranteed a position at another location.  So my stress level is high. 

Hubby has been telling me to just work at the salon and not to worry about getting another job.  But I really enjoy working with the kids at the school.  Decisions, decisions, decisions…I guess I have a while to make up my mind. 

Since we have been runnung around on top of working, my house looks like a tornado flew through it.  Yesterday I had a major headache and I just refused to do anything.  My mom ordered a pizza so I didn’t have to cook.  I just ate and went to bed as soon as I tucked Ian and Imani in bed.

Ian has had a nightmare two nights in a row where he has scared the you know what out of me.  Screaming at the top of his lungs, “Mommy, Daddy Mommy, Daddy!”

I had another rough day at work today.  Another headache!  The rumors started about our meeting.  I just wanted everyone to stop talking about the building closing.  Towards the end of the day, I closed my door and turned on my Zune so I could “let it go” before I got home.  Then I thought about the laundry waiting on me.  Oh, and I didn’t go grocery shopping.  I need to clean the sink in the kid’s bathroom where Imani squirted red sparkly toothpate out of the tube.  Not only the sink but the walls too!  I was so not looking forward to that.

On the way home I was on the verge of tears.  I felt so overwhelmed.  As I pulled into the driveway my Hubby was cleaning out the garage.  We greeted each other and I went in to get a few moments to myself before I started my tasks.

Imani attacked me (which is her ritual lately whenever I come home and Hubby has picked them up from school).  I shared hugs and kisses with her before heading inside.

Going into the kitchen I noticed the breakfast dishes were done.  The kitchen, spotless.  I rounded the corner and saw that the floor had been vacuumed.  Up the stairs, same thing, vacuumed floors.  I go into our bedroom, Hubby finally put up his clothes that were draped over the massage chair.  Our bathroom, spotless.  I go down the hall into the kids bathroom, NO RED TOOTHPASTE EVERYWHERE!!!  I almost passed out.  The kid’s bedrooms, spotless!!!

I broke down crying anyway!  Hubby had to have been cleaning all day.  The only thing he left for me to do was the laundry.  That’s ok, I prefer it that way. 

Kierra even helped the kids with their writing lesson.

Oh, and the icing on the cake…Hubby cooked dinner too!  I just love him to death!!!