Tag Archives: appreciation

The Card


I just wanted to share the card that Kierra got for me for Mother’s Day.

The Power of a Praying Mother

Mom, I have no idea how many times

you’ve prayed for me

through the years,

how many times you’ve carried me

before the Lord in your heart.

But I want to tell you “Thanks.”

Thanks for living your faith

and doing your best

to be a blessing to your family.

Thanks for how you always

asked God’s protection,

guidance, and mercy for me –

Lord knows, I needed them all!

And most of all,

thanks for believing in me

when it would have been easier not to

and for making sure I knew

I was in your prayers.

All through my life, I’ve felt

as though there were two things

I could count on-

God’s love…and yours.

And today I really do believe

a praying mother can work miracles…

because, thanks to you,

I’m one of them.

Wishing you a truly blessed

Mother’s Day!

Hope you had a WONDERFUL Mother’s Day today. We tried to have fun and keep you happy today.  I know you are happy to be a full time Mommy now!  I know you enjoy it alot.  But I will always be here for you no matter what.


Love Ya,


Compliments of  MAHOGANY by Hallmark and Kierra!



Since Tuesday I have been under the weather!  It started with general flu like systoms while I was at work.  I had the shivers very badly despite having on a blazer, my coat on top of that, my default sweater, and one of my student’s jackets was draped across my legs!  The kids kept telling me that I looked terrible and that Imust have the swine flu!

Afterschool I went to my doctor’s appointment scheduled a few weeks in advance for a follow-up. I had a temperature of 102 degrees.  I assumed it was a problem with my tonsils because they have often flaired up over the years. She did a strep test and it was negative.  So she decided that it was just a virus and that I should stay home for a day.

Wednesday morning I felt TERRIBLE!  I had a fever, my throat was KILLING me, and I could not even swallow my own saliva! I couldn’t eat or drink a thing either.  My voice was totally distorted, my left ear was full of pressure, nor could I not stop drooling!  And sleep, forget about it! 

Thursday it was worse so I called and asked for an antibiotic.  She responded with a high powered pain reliver and another day off of work.  She also said if my throat didn’t get better she would have to run a test for mono.

I don’t know what possessed me, but I tried to go to work Friday!  The kids kept telling me how terrible I looked!  I ended up  leaving two periods early because I was in so much pain.

Saturday morning I had a doctor’s appointment with another doctor on weekend duty.  It was obvious that I was suffering greatly and he immediatedly went to work, especially after he saw my cup of salivia. I was tested for mono with a finger prick and it came back negative. Then he returned saying that I had a really bad infection in my tonsils (this I knew all along.).  Therefore I received an antibiotic shot in the butt that hurt like mad, and prescriptions for Lidocaine, liquid Vicodin, and Augmentin.  Why was it so hard for my own doctor to do this?

Things started turning around for the better after the shot.  My throat started to loosen up for starters.  Later in the day I was even able to eat a banana, which almost bought tears to my eyes!  I haven’t been able to eat all week!  Then I was able to drink a few ounces of tea.

Around ten tonight I woke up out of my sleep because I had a foul taste in my mouth.  I went to the bathroom and started spitting up bile.  I actually knew what it was because I’ve been down this road before.  The abscess on my tonsil somehow had burst.  Usually they drain them with a needle, so I’ve never had one do it on its own.

After it drained, I was able to swallow without pain!  This is something I have to relearn after using a cup to spit in for close to a week.  I can even eat a little food now! But I do wonder why my doctor didn’t investigate more considering that I told her of my history?  I resent being miserable for so long when she could have simply given me a prescription for an antibiotic!

I learned through this experience to be thankful for the little things–the ability to swallow, chew, drink, and to sleep through the night without waking up in wretched pain.



One of my coworkers has made it her mission to cheer me up.  She has went over and beyond to do so.  My heart is really touched by her generosity and selflessness.  Here are a few things she has done; although I am probably forgetting something because she has done SO much!

  • She was my Secret Santa for a week (I did not even sign up)
  • She made me lunch and dinner several weeks in a row
  • She organized a group of coworkers to buy my lunch for a week straight
  • When I was sleep starved and not feeling well for two days she allowed me to bring all of my classes to the media center
  • For Christmas she gave me movie theatre and restaurant gift certificates
  • She invited us to her sister’s for Christmas dinner
  • She bought me a fancy journal and pen because she knows that I like to write
  • She attended the wake
  • For my birthday she bought cupcakes for all 135 of my students!  She also gave me a gift certificate to an upscale restaurant
  • She has volunteered her babysitting services
  • Just today she presented me with an autographed copy of one of my favorite books!

How do you thank a person like this?  I wanted to do something from the heart; so I made her one of my special framed acrostic poems and presented it to her.  She loved it!

A small token of my appreciation

A small token of my appreciation



I just wanted to take a few seconds to thank everyone who has left a message of support.  You all are the best cyberfriends a girl could have! I truly appreciate the prayers, heartfelt sympathy, and expressions of concern.  I also extend my gratitude to those who wrote posts about our situation.  I too, was deeply touched and moved to tears at receiving a card and a keepsake from Natalie and a card from Stacy.  Diane, thank you for your message as well! 

The kids and I are doing okay. 

I will be posting again shortly.



My Shoes Are Your Shoes

One Shoe

One Shoe

Two Shoes

Two Shoes

Red Shoes

Red Shoes

Blue Shoes

Blue Shoes

New Shoes

New Shoes

 I had to begin with a tribute to Dr. Seuss!  But anyways, what inspired me to write this particular post was when I stopped to think about all the blessings that I have been gifted.   For instance, I have many pairs of shoes.  Even after giving away 25 plus pairs at the beginning of summer I still have an abundance.  I have more shoes than some people will ever have.  So I don’t mind sharing what I have with others.  It feels good to do so.

Realizing this I started looking at everything around me with a grateful heart.  As minute and trivial as it may sound, I also have a lot of…socks!  And t-shirts, pants, blouses, skirts, undergarments, coats, jackets, hosiery, lotions, creams, jewelry, pots, pans, silverware, a bed , heat, central air, a job, family, food, letters, cards, friends, vehicles, healthy kids (I hear rich people laughing!)…I could go on and on.  I just feel so humbled by it all.  I want to keep this feeling forever because gratitude feels so awesome! I AM THANKFUL FOR EVERYTHING!

I’ve learned that there is nothing that I “have” to have.  I am thankful that I can distinguish between wants and needs.  I really want to buy a bigger house, but we don’t need one.  Just the fact that we have a house at all puts us ahead of many people in this world.   I’ve started looking at things differently, being creative I guess.  I have made it my mission to wear everything I own.  Not doing so is a waste of money, and if I’m not putting it to use, some else should be allowed to.  I’ve challenged myself to use what I have instead of trying to accumulate more stuff.  I’ve actually been having fun putting together outfits and discovering new (and old) pieces that have been tucked out of sight or neglected.

I would never label myself a “material girl” and I am most thankful for my intangible blessings.  Anytime I am thirsty I can turn a knob and drink until I am full.  I have an education that allows me to live comfortably.   I am free.  Alive.  I care for others.  I am giving.  In the words of Prince, “I’m rich on personality!”  This by far outweighs my material networth and I would have it no other way.  

I have been toying with the idea of having a “swap” meet with family and friends.  I have many things that I don’t use such as a milkshake maker and I can’t forget the salad spinner.  Or the Tea Drop.  Maybe I could trade those items with someone else for some treasure of theirs.  Anyone want a Milkshaker

It Gets Greater Later


I often spend my Saturday mornings grocery shopping. The local shopping district that I utilize is routinely populated by students who attend the school where I teach. So it’s not unusual for me to run into students, both past and present during this time. The trip I made to the grocery store last weekend was no different. I was spotted by several former students. For the most part, I am always happy to see them. I love to see how they have grown and hear about the progress that they have made in life. Then other times I liken myself to a celebrity being chased by the paparazzi. I’m ashamed to admit that sometimes I dodge, hide, or dart down the aisles in order to avoid my current students. Because even the students who don’t like you as a teacher at school, love you when they see you in public and always want to talk to you. Of course, this makes me feel weird, but rest assured, I know that by Monday morning, they will be back to their old fickle selves. How comforting!

I was standing at the cold cuts case trying to find a suitable Lunchable for Nicholas’ lunch when I felt a slight touch to my lower back. I turned and faced Nina, a former student. Nina was a student from the beginning of my teaching career. She had a great personality, but was not really into school. I think she was there largely for the social aspect and eventually quit school altogether.  Over the years I saw her a couple of times at Skyline Chili where she worked.

We were both pleasantly surprised to see each other considering three years had passed since she had served Cincinnati’s famous chili. Nina shyly told me that she was working on getting her GED and that she had hopes of attending college. I told her about the new changes within our school system, like how all the teachers at our school had to re-interview for our jobs. I was among the first to be interviewed and had already received my position back. Nina gave me a quick smile before saying “I knew that they wouldn’t let you go because you are the best English teacher at AHS.” Having finally learned the art of replying to compliments with grace, I simply said thank you. However, I was somewhat surprised by her commendation. As I mentioned, she was not particularly studious and rarely did the assignments I gave. I had no idea that she held this view of me. But it did make me feel good.

After a little more small talk, we parted ways and continued our shopping. A little later in the day it dawned on me—being a stepparent is a lot like being a teacher. Oftentimes you don’t know the impact that you are having on your students until years later. Just when you think you have bombed and didn’t make a dent of difference in their lives, the exact opposite is true. I receive many letters, emails, and visits from former students who express their gratitude over lessons learned. I love this. This fuels my passion to perform better each year since I rarely get to see the immediate fruits of my Herculean effort that I put forth. I have no problem accepting this fact of life as a teacher. This is a hard concept for me to master as a stepmom. But listening to Nina gave me hope. And it’s not that I expect something in return from my stepsons for being a positive influence in their lives, however, just hearing that you somehow made a difference does feel mighty good.

An Open Letter to My Son’s Stepmother


Dear Stepmom,

Thank you for opening your heart to my son. Through your patience, your warmth, and your tireless efforts, you’ve shown him that he is lovable and loved. That he hasn’t lost his father, and that he now has two mothers instead of just one. Thanks to your efforts, he has two real homes where he is cherished and welcomed.  


This is an excerpt from a letter I found online.  Isn’t this beautiful!  To read the rest, visit: