The Makings of Morocco

Allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is Hov Morocco, lol  I am a mom of two precious boys.  I am a widow, an English teacher, a scholar, and, a child of  God, the One Most High!

I enjoy many things: being with my kids, writing, reading, cooking, eating, shopping, traveling, sleeping, scrapbooking, and decorating to name just a few.  I love all things ballet, the color pink, and my little sultans.  I hope one day to add a “sultana” to our empire.

I reside in Indianapolis, Indiana–Sweet Home Indiana–Go Hoosiers!

Thanks for stopping by.

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6 responses »

  1. Morocco you are truly a special and very strong person. You have decided to take on a task that is truly rare these days. Choosing to fill a role of a person who has brought you many days of stress in the past is amazing. It takes a strong person with a very big heart to raise another person kids. By not only opening your heart to these kids you have also opened up your home and provided them with a safe place to be. You also have tried to mend the stressful fence with their mom, that itself shows how special you are. Stay strong in your efforts, for because of your efforts you will always be blessed.

  2. Oldfriend~

    Thank you for your kind words! I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on our blog. Every word is heartfelt as I take this journey. It may not always be pretty, but it will always be the truth! I hope you keep reading!

  3. morocco, thanx for stopping by my spot. you have a very cool blog. and it’s so awesome to see someone else openly admit they like board games. i’m an any kinda game junkie–board games, cards, logic and sudoku puzzles, mahjong…

  4. Hi there, you mentioned my website for Stepparenting the Grieving Child in your FYI section — thanks and I’m glad you discovered it. I’ve enjoyed looking at your blog and I think it’s really important we stepparents reach out to each other. I’ve noticed that the trend in stepfamily awareness here in the U.S. seems to be on a slight wane, (for example the changes in the former Stepfamily Association of America) but thankfully there are other organizations and individuals who are keeping the communication going. Cheers!

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