Tag Archives: heart

The Widow Maker


Today I took my kids on a field trip to see Bodies…the Exhibition.  They really enjoyed it and were quite intrigued by the wonderous complexity of the human body. My students (of course) were eager to see the sex organs!   

I, on the otherhand, was very interested in viewing the heart gallery.  But looking at the display of  arteries strongly reminded me of my husband, so much in fact that I could not bear to look at the one aptly called the widow maker.  I hate that terminology! 

Today, it has been two months.

Matters of the Heart


Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.

Proverbs 4:23

Suppose a person with a corrupt heart receives a transplant.  The new one is from a  kind-hearted person.  Would the receipent automatically take on the postive characteristics of the donor–or would they still maintain their wicked ways?

I would argue that the heart is the most vital of all organs.  From the heart flows the wellspring of life. 

We love hearts.  We tell people to take heart during heart to heart conversations, not to wear their heart on their sleeves, and bad news or loss can leave us with a heavy heart.  When we give something all we’ve got, don’t we put our heart into it?

The heart tells us when we are home.  It acts as a compass pointing us in the right direction.  Listen up because your heart talks!  Things rest deep in this spot.  A heart throb may even pull at our heart strings and cause our heart to sing!

But hearts also ache, bleed , fail, break, and attack.  The heart is the only broken instrument that works! 

However, be careful that your heart doesn’t harden, grow cold, or get sick.  Hearts can be both wild and young.  They even allude to royalty.  So treasure and guard the contents of your heart –be smart.