Author Archives: Morocco

Fighting Fibromyalgia


Living with fibromyalgia will suck the life out of you-if you let it. I felt compelled to write this post as a result of dealing with debilitating fatigue issues the last couple of weeks. I want to share six tips that work for me

  • Listen to Your Body: Cliche, but true. I am a busy lady and I don’t always have time to honor my temple so to speak, however, when I don’t, I pay for it in some form or fashion. Set boundaries by learning to say no when you are tired. The goal is to have balance. Don’t drain your battery by taking on too much.
  • Water Yourself: Literally! I saw a meme the other day that said we are pretty much house plants, lol. Maybe it’s the Aquarius in me, but I love water. It is soothing and therapeutic. Water is life. I love the ocean. I love taking baths. I’ve even learned to love drinking it. When the pain becomes too much and the stiffness sets in, I relax in a hot bath. I add add two cups of Epsom salt to the water to help increase my magnesium levels and ease the discomfort.
  • Diet: “You are what you eat, from your head down to your feet!” I remeber this PSA from when I was a kid. This, too is true. Eat junk and you feel like junk. I truly love fresh fruits and vegetables and grilled meats. But I must keep it real-healthy foods are pricey, which is shameful! America really needs to do something about this. Processed food is a lot cheaper and more convenient, but laden with far too much sodium, unhealty fats, and sugar. I try to stick to whole foods because I know in the long run I will feel so much better.
  • Sweet Heat: I sleep on top of an electric blanket. Not only does it feel like heaven, but it helps the muscle pain and stiffness. A heating pad is smaller, but also works to target specific areas.
  • Supplement: In addition to eating well, I take magnesium, iron and a multivitamin. I recently discovered the Goli Ashwagandha Gummies. Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb that is touted to reduce stress and cortisol levels, lower blood pressure and enhance the immune system. I take two Gummies before bedtime, put my my phone on DND and relax before I fall asleep. I also purchased a new pillow for back and side sleepers that has helped.
  • Relax: I like to do a calming activity right before bedtime-read and color in my Creative Bible, listen to a meditation, do some gentle stretching, or light a candle and practice my breathing. This routine helps signal my brain that it is time to rest. I try to make sure I get all of my fluids in by 7p so that I won’t be up using the bathroom throughout the night. I also stop eating at the same time to give my digestive system a chance to work uninterrupted.

Tea Time: Taking tea is a soothing and many worldwide partake in it. I have a wide variety of tea to choose from.My to go to cup at the moment is Hot Cinnamon Sunset by Harney and Sons. I have never fancied myself as a cinnamon lover, but this really appeals to me. Cinnamon is naturally sweet and I like that I do not have sweeten it. I simply add about a teaspoon of crystalized ginger chips. Not only does ginger add more flavor, it aids with alleviating muscle pain.

I hope this helps someone else who may be living with fibromyalgia. Leave a comment about what helps you-let’s keep the circle going!



Y’all I feel restless. I have so many dreams and desires for my life. But I don’t know how to obtain them. I have more than a few obstacles in my path that are prohibting me from having the life I want. Money is the number one enemy, or lack thereof I guess I should say. I have an idea of how I want my life to go but I need to take action ASAP. So, I am going to attempt to devise a definitive two year plan to get me to where I want to go.

Here are three things I would like to accomplish:

  1. I would like to buy a new house that includes more of the amenities that I want such as a fireplace, a large walk in closet, an office/library, a picture window, 2.5 car garage, cathedral ceilings, a loft, and a large, modern kitchen to name a few.
  2. I want to travel more. I would like to be able to take my kids on a few vacations a year, plus some solo travel for me.
  3. I’m so burned out at work. I need a new space-one that will not be so anxiety inducing, dsyfunctional, and full of crazymaking. Since I can’t undo my degree, I have to find a new place of employment.
  4. I want to open the business that God put on my heart. I do not have the means to do so at the moment, but it is definitely a dream in my heart.

Here are four things I’m currently doing to make these things happen:

  1. I’m working on playing off hospital bills and credit cards.
  2. I have been saving all of my dollar bills and loose change. My youngest son wants to go to London next year for his 10th birthday and those savings will help fund that trip. Also, I’m impatiently waiting  to read Eat, Pray, Love. I requested it from my local library branch. I’m hoping that will give me some type of inspiration.
  3. I have been halfheartedly looking for a new job. But the pickings are slim in my field. Honestly I am hoping God will drop something in my lap. I am on LinkedIn but I haven’t seen anything I am interested in on there.
  4. I have created something of a side hustle. I started a t-shirt company called Sistees. My sister wanted in on it-hence the name. However, I have to figure out a marketing strategy because I haven’t sold any. I did give away four in hopes that they could advertise the first design for me. I read Contagious by Jonah Berger to get some ideas. Somewhat of a second side hustle is the book we wrote. We being my youngest son and I. You can check it out here.

What do you do when you are restless? What dreams and goals do you have for your life that you still have not fulfilled? Tell me in the comments below!




Hello all! I know it’s been a long, long while since I stopped by to chat on Morocco’s Bazaar. But I’m back!

One of my goals for the year was to have my genealogy traced. I was forunate enough to receive a kit for my birthday and the results came back last night.

It was somewhat emotional for me. Half of my DNA has been a mystery to me. This has, at least, unveiled a bit of it. I was even matched with a first cousin and that surprised me. I was only expecting to learn about my ancestral make up. But I have already had two cousins message me since last night!



As you ca see, I am primarily from the “hinge” of Africa which is known as Cameroon. According to The Fact File, it is the most “urbane” and “ethnically diverse nation” in West Africa. I read a few facts about the country and learned that French and English are the two offcial languages. Perhaps this explains my desire to become fluent in French. Also, Cameroon borders Chad, which is also the name of my oldest son.


I am looking forward to learning more about my roots as well as connecting with new relatives!

38 to Date


In honor of my 38th birthday, I want to share 38 things I am thankful for:

1. Jesus’ sacrifice: Glory, glory! 

2. My two precious boys: 17 and 5-my first, my last, my everything!

3. Loving students: They alone make my job worth the stress. 

4. Kindness: I have received a lot of kindness over the last few months that it has encouraged me to pay it all forward. 

5. The gift of another year: Hallelujah! 

6. Good friends: Shanna, Karen, Champale, Manita, and Hasina

7. Good food 😋: I love to eat and cook. I have a whole list of new restaurants that I plan to explore over the year. 

8. All of the birthday wishes and gifts I received today. Some were so unexpected but well received. 

9. A good cup of coffee: I had the most delicious coffee to date in the Dominican Republic and I’ve been on a quest since then to find another. 

10. Heat: What more can I say? Baby, it’s cold outside! 

11. Books: I love to read and I must say that books make me feel alive. 

12. Dear family: I do t have a lot nor am I close to them all, but despite it all, I am thankful to share blood ties with such a motley crew of people. 

13. A career: I am a rose who grew from concrete. I was determined to succeed and by His grace, I did. 

14. Health insurance: It saddens me that not everyone has this basic necessity. If you’ve ever been ill, you know just how vital it is. 

15. Technology: It allows me to stay connected to the ones I love whether near or far. 

16. Forgiveness: Thankful to God for extending it to me with condition. Also thankful for those who have forgiven my wrongs. 

17. Student loan deferments: LOL

18. Mercy: Thank you Lord. 

19.  Socks: I have a hard time walking in surfaces without them. It creeps me out, lol. 

20. Clean drinking water: In light of the water tragedy in Flint, it makes me thankfu for this “small” thing that we take for granted. 

21. Grocery stores: The convenience and array of goods is simply amazing. 

22. The sky: I have been fascinated with the sky for a while 

23. The color pink: It makes me feel so feminine

24. Safe transportation: My grandmother nor my mother knew how to drive. Thus is astounding to me considering the myriad of places I go on a weekly basis. Even though I hate pumping gas and taking the time to have the oil changed-I’m so thankful that when I need to go somewhere, I can simply get up and go. 

25. Coconut milk: This drink has been giving me all the B12 I need to have energy. 

26. Smiles: A simple does wonders for the soul. 

27. Hugs: Love them. 

28. Worship music: A good song puts me right in the Upper Room with the Lord. 

29. Winters that eventually turn into spring

30. Vision: I wear contacts so I know how it feels to have less than 20/20 vision. But I’m so thankful for the ability to see the beauty all around me. 

31. Making a difference: My job is often thankless drudgery. But just knowing that I may possibly make a difference gets me going. 

32. Ice skating: I’ve had such fun taking and teaching my boys how to skate. 

33. Flowers: I love blooms of all kind, especially tulips. They make me feel girly and loved.  

34. Chloe-My precious pooch is the girl child I’ve never had. She came in my life at a very barren, bleak time. Love that dog! 

35. Lessons: I’ve had some tough ones, no doubt. But without them, I would not have the deep sense of gratitude that I have for some things. 

36. Oceans: The ocean is such a magnificent sight to behold. I feel so in awe and in touch with God when I get the chance to partake in its beauty. 

37. Laughter: Tis is a beautiful thing. It is truly a healing balm. 

38. A good heart: Thankfully God judges our heart. I am not perfect, but my heart is good and strives to do the right thing. 


35 and Still Alive!


Tuesday was my birthday. I didn’t go all out. I worked and went home and that was alright with me. I’m simply grateful to see another day. With that in mind, here are 35 things that I am thankful for:

1. Health

2. My two children

3. Family

4. Friends

5. Education

6. Students

7. Transportation

8. Flowers

9. A good meal

10. Beaches

11. Photographs

12. Doctors

13. Grocery stores

14. Clean drinking water

15. Insurance (medical, auto, home, and life)

16. Smiles

17. Texting

18. Kindness

19. Work

20. Blogging

21. Warm blankets

22. Hot water

23. Google

24. Tea

25. Pen and paper

26. Hope

27. Seasons

28. Resiliency

29. Saturdays

30. Growth

31. Forgiveness

32. Books

33. Sleeping in

34. Laughter

35. God’s love








Yet in all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

My best friend has conquered life! On 12.12.12, she returned to our Father in heaven. I have memories that span 22 years-from elementary to college, children and husbands, shopping and dining, drinking tea, attending cultural events, worshipping together, celebrating birthdays and other milestones, and our love of all things Twilight-Team Edward (I take pleasure in the fact that it was me who got her hooked, lol)-we have traversed the roads of life together.

On the drive home from the hospital, the theme from “The Golden Girls” kept playing in my mind:

“Thank you for being a friend/Travel down the road and back again/ Your heart is true/ You’re a pal and confidante.”

She was all that and more. I’ve never had a finer friend. My heart brims over with love for her. I take comfort in knowing that absent from the body means present with the Lord. More than a conqueror, cancer didn’t beat her. She ran the race until the end. For weeping may last a night, but joy cometh in the morning!

I encouraged her to start a blog, and for a moment, she did. She didn’t write a lot, but what she did is so powerful and motivational. I am still amazed by all that she was.

I praise, bless, and thank God for our time together!










Today I threw together a look based upon what I had in my closet. I tried on a few other combinations last night but wasn’t really feeling any of them. I need more basic staples to compliment my existing work wardrobe. I plan to do some shopping this weekend and on the list are: khaki trousers (for when I just want to grab and go) chambray button down, a new black blazer (the one I have has lost its sharp black color), and a black button down along with a few more pieces to welcome the fall weather.

